Here is what the Modi Government has been doing:

Generally, the regional parties ruling the different states, though try to speak the same language as the party at centre speaks, are helpless with their nature. There was an atmosphere of corruption, inaction, lawlessness, hatred across the country during the UPA government. The system was almost teetering on the edge of collapse. Many times, when the situation went beyond control, the honourable Supreme Court had to intervene to prevent it worsening. There was no one to listen to the people, but thank God, the Modi Government followed. If the UPA was repeated once again, the country would certainly become the open pasture for drug traffickers, faith dealers, extrinsic communions, or to be more precise, it would stand by the side of Pakistan where the people are unruly and the government is ineffective.

You can test the performance of central government by feeling how well the state governments work because the state governments are often influenced by the federal government; for example, states receive larger shares of the national income from the centre and at the same time dare not involve in corruption if the central government is performing well and corruption-free.

During the UPA government, industrialists used to declare themselves bankrupt with a view to swallowing up the bank loans; the bureaucrats, public representatives or people in administration were free to waste public money and were not accountable for anything; the system was working without a proper control on it; the country’s infrastructure was crumbling; the market was flat on its back; the trade gap was widening year by year. It was because of these things the rate of unemployment was increasing and poverty was engulfing the greater part of society. The Modi government took these things seriously and is working to improve them day and night. Roads are being built, new electricity cables, poles, transformers are being laid, administration is alert, business has moved on, efforts are made to reduce the country’s trade deficit and to balance the budget, the defences are being maintained at a high level. It is an irony that there are those who accuse the government of doing nothing, with their eyes shut towards theses changes.

Where there is money there is power and where there are both money and power there are more money and power. Secondly, business competition is now not limited to the area of the country, it is global and therefore communism is a flop idea. Thirdly, a poor and weak nation cannot compete with big players and is sure to become poorer and weaker and ultimately prey to violence and slavery. China follows capitalism but speaks the language of communism. It has developed its system of manufacturing so strong in recent years that the world is bound to purchase things from it; and at the same time, it has never let intolerance and religious fanaticism grow on its land. It is emerging to be the world’s super power. Fortunately, the Modi government has stepped forward to the right direction of Make in India policy and it can be well materialized by the big capitalists of the country and not by any socialist system. Socialism was good when the business was not on the global platform. Do not be beguiled into hating your industrialists – they bring money, make the country rich and generate employments. The country is financially weak. The present policies of the government will take time but ultimately bring work and prosperity.

One who is in need of something is not a customer. Customer is he who has money and wants to buy something. Prosperity and poverty in a country can be estimated by the movement of customers. There was minimum inflow of customers into the offices of Bank, LIC, telephone even into the shops and stores during the UPA government. Sometimes we felt as though the whole structure of service sector was going to collapse. The farming industry was shrouded in the deepening gloom due to the want of fertilizer and increasing rates of diesel. The price increases had sent the country into deep recession. Uneconomic factories were increasing every year and facing closure. Now after a year of the Modi government, one can see the overcrowding in all of those offices, malls and stores. Service providers, businessmen, transporters all are busy again and there is nothing better than a busy life. A busy man makes two more persons busy.

There was a committee of farmers in a village. It had a large earthen pitcher (dehari) in which to store corn for mutual purposes. One evening a monkey opened the cover and climbed down onto the surface of the corn. The eccentric monkey then started throwing out and scattering around the grain. By the time the villagers gathered to drive away the monkey, a group of monkeys had stuffed the greater part of the grain in their throats. One person like Sri narendra Modi is not enough – UP, Bihar, West Bengal all need a Narendra Modi.

Prime Minister Sri Narendra Modi is a man of decision and action. If it were the UPA government today, Nepal would not have said ‘Thank you India’ because they could have taken minimum three days in deciding anything and by then the Aid would no longer have been required in the changed situation. India is proud of its PM as his quick decision has made a world of difference to the earthquake victims of Nepal.

We have a government which is doing very well, considering. Certain critics loyal to the opposition look for mistakes and when they do not find one, they try to pack a good deed of the Modi government in a repulsive container to show to the people and to complain about them. They, however, cannot conceal the fact that there is a government and not a group of gourmets. They are also unable to hide the fact that the government is doing something day and night instead of enjoying public money.

The opposition is not afraid of BJP – it is afraid of its vision and policies that have begun to emerge one after the other with the assurance that India will no longer be dominated, will no longer be a country of the poor and that the last person of it will come out of the dead darkness of ignorance and illiteracy.

The demoralized opposition, having nothing to oppose, often demands a report on one year performance of the Modi Government. OK, they must have that. First of all, this government has not been deliberately trying to make the countrymen poor so that it could lure them into converting to a foreign faith and then make them to be faithful in their support. Secondly, the ministers of the Modi Government have not been loafing around, shirking their responsibilities and running their family businesses. Thirdly, it does not have a remote-controlled Prime Minister. Well, to sum up, the present government has been giving a good account of themselves and the eyes that do not have prejudiced view of it see how well it is going.

Industrial development and manufacturing is possible only when you have money and better techniques of quality production with a vast market to sell your products. Now developed countries have already captured all big markets of the world. Since we have never been a good exporter, we do not have our traditional markets. It is for the first time that the Modi Government has taken initiatives to promote home productions by inviting foreign investment or by encouraging our own industrialists. Now the question arises that if the industrialists are not provided with a wide range of market to sell their products, they will not take much interest in running their industries in India. Prime Minister Sri Narendra Modi and Finance Minister Sri Arun Jaitley have lost weight in recent months trying to expand our business across the world. The prime Minister is visiting one after the other country with a view to explore the possibility of a new market and a foreign investment. Moreover, this is how the nation can provide our young people with jobs, for creating that many government jobs is absolutely impossible. Rahul Gandhi, the merrymaker of a politician, fools the people out of saying that the PM is enjoying foreign tours. Brothers, just watch his intention and see if he really wants the well-being of the country!

In ancient times, kings used to undergo years of hard austerity and penance with a view to pleasing God and when they succeeded, they were granted supernatural powers. Then, after getting such powers, they did not have to do anything except enjoying what they chose to. This is something that has applied to Indian parliamentarians and government officials. They have had the notion that they have got a free ride just after winning an election or getting a government job. They have, however, never bothered to think that they have been given the responsibility to serve the people. Many other countries that got freedom even after us have gone far ahead, leaving us to live in an unhappy state – why? It is because our parliamentarians and government officials have never done their duties diligently but rather enjoyed their chairs. This is what had been happening from the first day of independence till the UPA government fell. Things have changed since Shri Narendra Modi became the prime minister. Now no parliamentarian is privileged to do what they like, nor are government servants free to their choice. They are forced to realize what they are there to do. It has made a lot of difference to the way the government conducts its affairs and will bring the country a drastic change.

You cannot say a particular situation is good or bad unless you compare it with another situation of the same nature. While examining the performance of the Modi government, the media do not compare it with that of UPA’s rather they compare it with an imaginary situation. India had been lame in both the legs and limbs. Now the broken bones are healing nicely is not an accomplishment? Someone, disapproving of Sri Modi’s approach, says that he is doing all marketing. The world has become a market today and every country, a salesman. Now in such a one, what do you expect from the Prime minister? You, nit-pickers, open your eyes and see money is both power and life.

- Ramesh Tiwari


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