Happy Mother’s Day!

All-enduring and selfless love is available nowhere except in the heart of a mother. She never applies her mind when it comes to her child. She is the maker; she is the keeper; she is the energy; she is the teacher; she is the real owner; and so she is the appearance of God as a human. We are quick to take offence at something rude others say or do, but when our mother says or does the same thing, we take no offence – why? It is because we know she is entirely without malice. I am proud that I am the son of my mother! Mom, how I love to remember those moments when at your knee, I used to listen to your songs and stories! Mom, I feel an ocean of love leaping in me when I recall the way you brought me up! Mom, I cherish the memories of my childhood! Mom, I was the part of you and ever be! My beloved Mom, my sweet, sweet Mom, I love thee – I love thee too much!

A child rushed in out of the rain from his school. His brother cried, “Why didn’t you take an umbrella?” “You’d better wait till the rain stopped,” advised his sister. Dad grew angry and scolded him saying, “You’ll realize when you catch cold!” His mother grew red in the face, too. “You stupid rain, couldn’t you wait until my little child reached home?” she reacted and started drying his hair.

I think there may not be any difference between God and Mother, for both of them own us with the same right and claim. And as well as that, it is they who observe every merit in us, which proves they love us truly and deeply.

Happy Mother’s Day!


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