Human Values

Generally every doctor is burning with a fierce ambition to be rich and in his love for money he is blind to the predicament of a poor sufferer. He has to extort money from his patient no matter whether the patient is poor or rich. Every day he invents a new way for it. For example, he can cure a simple disease without any examination of a part of body, but in his greed for commission, he sends him to a pathologist. Certain doctors are so callous that they take out some precious part of a patient’s body during a surgery and later they sell it at a high price. A doctor is considered to be someone after god – it is an irony that he has become the follower of Satan. It is not only the doctors, who have put their professional ethics aside, but also the judges, lawyers, teachers, engineers, bureaucrats and all. The only thing that concerns them is money – human values have nothing to do with them.

The democratic system is turning into its ugliest form not only in India but across the world. Where there is democracy, there is corruption and loss of law and order and a vulnerable government. You may call a democratic government vulnerable because in their greed for donation they often get reined in by a group of capitalists and also because of their compelling need of appeasing some groups of people.  


  1. It is moral question,
    everyone has value and dignity - Rousou


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