The Hermit & His Disciples

When I was a little school boy, my granddad used to tell me the fable of ‘The Hermit & His Disciples’. One day I was reclining on my sofa, deep in thought, the old story suddenly came to my mind. I thought to retell it in a better way and then to translate it into English. Click on the link below and enjoy the most entertaining and didactic fable:

‘Those who learn from their own mistakes are successful persons, but those who also learn from the mistakes of others are greats. However, a person with any amount of information cannot be called an intellect unless he puts that into practice.’ –Acharya Kautilya


  1. It's good that someone retold this old tale which gives such an important message in a beautiful manner. We need to carry on doing this for making the literary world rich with not only our present works but also retelling the works of the past. Good job!


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