Kumbha Mela

According to the Bhagawat Puran gods and demons churned the milky ocean, which produced the elixir of immortality. A fight erupted between the two groups over who should take the kumbh (pitcher) filled with amrit (elixir). It is believed that during the struggle, drops of the elixir fell on Prayag, Haridwar, Nasik and Ujjain and the waters of the rivers flowing through these places became pure, auspicious and life-giving. A congregation of Shaivite order of sannysis, Vaishnav order of vairagis (ascetic sadhus, Nagas, saints from all 13 Akhadas), abstemious Kalpavasis and pilgrims is held at each of the four holy places once every twelve years and the period of the festivities is determined by the positions of Jupiter, the Sun and the Moon in the Zodoac. Millions of people take a dip in those rivers during the festival of the sacred Pitcher called ‘Kumbh Mela’. The largest Kumbh Mela is held at the confluence of the rivers Ganga, Yamuna and Saraswati in Prayag when Jupiter transit...