Mahila Mahavidyalaya

One day I visited the Principal of Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Bahraich. She was very busy in her office, so she asked me to take only a few minutes to tell her what was my concern. I gave her a copy of Snippets of Life Music. ‘Madam, you have been a professor of English,’ I said. ‘I’d like to take this opportunity of asking you to read this book. I’ll come back next week to know if it appealed to you and you think it is useful for your students.’ ‘Okay,’ she replied.
When I went to see her again next time, she greeted me very cordially and went all praises for me. ‘Your book is a good read, well worth reading,’ she said with a gentle smile. ‘It impressed me with its deep thoughts expressed in elegant simplicity. It is entertaining is one thing, but since it suggests lots of good ideas in well-structured sentences, it is useful for a variety of purposes.’ She paused for a moment and then pressed the bell. A boy came in. ‘Go and tell the librarian to come to me here,’ she said to him. You know, she instructed the librarian to purchase ten copies of the book for the college library.


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