मोदी का ध्यान नाटक है कहने वाले 45 घंटे नहीं 45 मिनट ध्यान साधना करके दिखा दें, एक सप्ताह नहीं एक दिन पानी पीकर बिता दें, तीन दिन नहीं तीन घंटे मौन व्रत करके दिखा दें ! भोगियों के लिए योग और आत्मसंयम ज्येष्ठ माह की दोपहरी है। प्रधानमंत्री जैसे पद पर केवल विशुद्ध आध्यत्मिक व्यक्ति ही कठोर जीवन जी सकता है और ऐसे व्यक्ति को कोई पराजित नहीं कर सकता । इसके अतिरिक्त प्रधानमंत्री का आध्यत्मिक आश्रय भारतीय संस्कृति एवं परम्परा के प्रति जनजागरण है तथा कन्याकुमारी की उस पवित्र तीर्थ की और पर्यटकों का आकर्षण है।
The opposition oppose what the majority support.
Those who shun Sanatana and those who court
Are the opposing groups that contest the election.
For one group disloyalty, self-interest and faction
Has become the norm and for the other devotion.
All the monkeys in the former group had the notion
That they can win with the nuts from the same vase.
One of them puts his hand through the narrow space
In the neck of the vase while others earnestly queued.
Grabbed a fistful of nuts the monkey coarse and crude;
He could neither bring out the nuts, nor could he leave.
None of his comrades was ready to give up out of greed.
While they were gathering nuts, the election ended up –
The nationalists swept to power winning the Final Cup.
- Poet Ramesh Tiwari
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