The Political Skills of Lord Ram and his Diplomacy

Lord Ram brought people from all sections of society together. Just after leaving his home, he won the hearts of Nishad community. Then with considerable tact and diplomacy, he freed an empire from a despotic tyrant named Bali and enthroned his brother Sugreeva, whose kingdom became the major part of his organization. He went around to Sabri’s hut and ate jujube fruit with her, thus winning the support of forest dwelling tribal communities. Now he succeeded establishing a large army, but before attacking his arch-enemy Ravana, he adopted a strategy to conquer his brothers Khar and Dushan, so the two large armies could not join together against him. Finally, he weakened Ravana by making friends with his estranged brother Vibhishana, who worked as an insider. The political skills of Lord Ram and his diplomacy made Ayodhya such a powerful kingdom that he invaded the whole world and became the king of the kings. He ruled the world for eleven thousand years. Now PM Modi’s political approach and his diplomatic ability resembles what Lord Ram is known for. He converts the divided society of India into an inclusive, integrated and supportive society by associating every community to Lord Ram and His temple in Ayodhya. It seems that it is time for India to gain its old glory of Ram Rajya and of being the leader of the world.
May be an image of temple


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