Impossible Things Turned out to be Possible

Read the following FB post which I wrote on 19 May 2014 when PM Modi had visited Varanasi to offer Ganga Arati.

Now the defeated opponents of BJP console themselves that the people will turn against it if it could not carry through on the promises it has made to them. But when they think that the people of Gujarat are satisfied with the Modi government for so long, they feel disappointed and cannot help believing in his ability. Sri Nitish Kumar means to say that Sri Modi lured people with false promises. Even the party members, though not many of them, avoid sharing responsibility, as in their speeches, they often say that Sri Narendra Modi will live up to their expectations. Here I would like to suggest those who take BJP’s manifesto for a dream manifesto that they do not ever compare themselves with Sri Narendra Modi and also to remind them that he is not an immature politician. He still boldly says that he is ready to do something drastic about good governance and development, the essence of all he has yet promised. If he says so, certainly he must have some effective vision in his head. Besides, it is not much difficult task for an honest government. Stop corruption and have half the problem solved; another twenty five percent of that can be solved by a governments if it is devoted to what it is for; lastly be a bit innovative and you are done.


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