The Honourable Prime Minister Addressed the People


The Honourable Prime Minister Shri #NarendraModi addressed the people of India for ninth consecutive time from Red Fort today on 76th Independence Day and called on people to take five vows to make the country self-reliant and to bring her power and prosperity in the Amrit Kaal (25 years between the 75th and 100th anniversaries of Independence). They are: 1. Aspirations of developed India 2. to clean off all traces of foreign rule 3. to feel pride in the legacy of the country 4. national unity and being together 5. a strong sense of responsibility in every citizen. Just think it over and you will see his vision is a perfect road map to nation building and to the height of success.

No more power at the expense of sparking off riots. It is for the first time in the history of Independent India that all classes and communities have come together to join in celebrating 76th Independence Day and in Tri-Colour at Every House campaign with equal enthusiasm and putting their cultural differences aside. It was considered impossible for one social group to integrate into the other. PM Narendra Modi has made many impossible things possible and now it seems he will succeed joining two opposite groups of people together. In fact, all of the people living in the country basically belong to one cultural root, so the hostility and discrepancies in Indian society are not natural but man-made and therefore can be filtered out. Happy Independence Day!


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