India’s Intellectual and Discerning Elites

#ChetanBhagat names English speaking people the IIDEs (India’s Intellectual and Discerning Elites).and opined that their advice is a kiss of death for businessmen, book publishers and politicians because they know very little about the people of India. The IIDE, he says, usually have an intellectually privileged upbringing therefore their opinions have more weight than any other group of people in India. These refined people swarm about a publisher like moths to get their literary fiction published. Since their fiction books are not read, the publishing house eventually closes down. The IIDE support congress and work for Gandhi family. They spend day and night, gathering vituperation with which to condemn Hinduism, nationalism, PM Modi and his government. Since they do not know what India likes, their ideas for Congress have adverse effect on the people and Gandhi family is losing its power base. Chetan went on and put forward third example of how NETFLIX fell prey to IIDE trap and how its CEO, Reed Hastings, expressed his frustration about their hopeless progress in India.


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