I have written two books. The first entitled ‘Snippets of Life Music’ is a collection of twenty-one stories based on both social and spiritual backgrounds: a cornucopia of unexplored ideas. It was built up over a period of ten years. Its stories offer a wealth of delights and inspiration, answer some profound social and philosophical questions, resonate with emotions, represent different universal themes and have a stimulating effect. The deeper a reader goes, the more they will enjoy the different shades of meaning, connotations and subtexts. I recently published my second book under the title ‘The Rise of NaMo and New India’. It is divided into two sections: the first part is written in prose, and the second mostly in verse. This captivating book charts India’s 7-year history of NaMo's good governance, describing how the whole country slowly got bathed in the warm glow of nationalist light, how people welcomed the new era of self-governance after a long period of foreign rule followed by a pseudo-Indian regime and how the country emerged in a new indigenous look. It also consists of exquisitely written songs about our widely admired Prime Minister and his achievements. In short, both of the books open doors to a new world of social and political information. #HighbrowScribesPublications


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