The Modi and the Yogi Governments


Why was India ruled by foreign invaders for hundreds of years? Why did the people of India forget to live with self-esteem? Why did it take 500 years to build Ram temple in Ram’s own country? These questions are a matter of introspection to us. Just think a good many people of us preferred to support Maharana Pratap’s arch-enemy. A huge crowd of Indians stood watching like spectators when Prithviraj Chauhan was led away in handcuffs. Most of us were against Shivaji and a few of them betrayed him. Their selfishness overpowered their self-esteem. The Modi and the Yogi governments have created a socially secure atmosphere for us to live in and have done to build our self-esteem. A group of educated people is restive about them; faction and self-interest are their norms. A selfish person is the most insecure creature on the earth because they are always alone, as they cannot think to help anybody and nobody, in turn, likes to help them. On the contrary those who are true to their religion have millions of brothers to support them. We often sideline our religion out of selfish interest. An author announces that he has written a book that depicts the real history of his forefathers. His book sells thousands of copies within weeks because they love their brothers, sisters and fathers. I am also a writer. I have written The Rise of NaMo and New India that aims to help you gain a sense of your own worth in your own country. This book is read but not by that many people because we love to condemn our brothers and fathers. Brothers, The Rise of NaMo and New India talks of your interests; it is yours, it is your property – read it!


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