Tuesday 31 March 2020


When the feeling of my devotion to you
And deep love for you overpowers me,
Maiya, my eyes cloud with tears.
At this moment I wish you were before me
Laying your hand on my head and
I was lying down prostrate,
My arms around your pious feet, my eyes
Closed but my heart feeling your presence.
I, on these occasions, find myself
In the realm of Nirvana, in Paradise.
Maiya, deprive me not of this state of bliss,
Of this extraterrestrial garden of delight!
- Ramesh Tiwari

Monday 30 March 2020

Mata Rani

O Mom! Everything is under thy control:
Small it be or big or the universe whole.
Corona pandemic has gripped humanity;
Relieve us of it before it ends in calamity.
Mom, you love your children innocent;
Take us out of the miserable existence!

Our nation is cloaked in fear and uncertainty -

Sometimes feels like it will end in calamity.

Save us from corona virus, our Mighty Mom!

Free us from panic and restore blessed calm!

The boat of our lives sail
Over the sea of time -
Celestial Ma, guide them.
Storms are strong -
Mighty Mum, save them.
The sea is vast and deep.
O Omnipresent Mama!
Put the guardian hand on us.
O the Daughter of Himalayas!
Take not thy light away
And protect me and my country
From the deadly Coronavirus!

                                                The worshiper of thy pious feet,
                                                Ramesh Tiwari

Wednesday 25 March 2020

अभद्र जीवन शैली

यह कोरोना नहीं है बल्कि दुनिया की अभद्र जीवन शैली के विरुद्ध प्रकृति की कठोर व्यवस्था है । एक दूसरे से दूर रहकर बैठने, उठने की परंपरा को छुवाछूत की संज्ञा दी गयी । दूर से हाथ जोड़कर प्रणाम करना दकियानूसी और सेकहैंड स्मार्ट अभिवादन । सनातन सभ्यता से पुरानी और कोई सभ्यता नहीं है । स्पष्ट है उसमें समाज के लिए जो भी नियम निर्धारित किए गये हैं वे मानव जीवन के हज़ारों वर्षों के अनुभवों पर आधारित हैं अतः पूरी तरह से दोषहीन हैं । हमारी सदैव से परम्परा राखी व मिट्टी से हाथ धोकर फिर कपड़े उतारकर भोजन करने की रही है क्योंकि दूसरों के संपर्क में रहने की वजह से हमारे हाथ व कपड़ों को संक्रमित होना स्वाभाविक है । किसी प्रकार का वायरस भोजन के साथ हमारी आँतों में न जा सके ऐसी हमारी जीवन शैली रही है । ध्यान रहे शरीर के भीतर जाने के बाद ही वायरस सक्रिय होता है । जूते चप्पल पहनकर रसोई में जाना वर्जित था, क्यों? क्योंकि बाहर से आते समय जूते संक्रमित हो जाते हैं । घृणा की राजनीति करने वालों ने हमारी इन परम्पराओं की खूब खिल्ली उड़ाई । सेकुलरों बाज आओ वरना दुनिया के साथ तुम भी मरोगे ।

Saturday 21 March 2020

Stay Indoors

There are a few factions that deeply loathe PM Narendra Modi but the larger group blindly loves him. 'The Rise of NaMo and New India' will be available to you very soon. Stay indoors which is the safest thing you can do as a preventive measure against corona virus and read this book to know why he stands head and shoulders above many previous Prime Ministers and why you must trust him to keep you safe and sound. We are now bound to stop our trips away from our homes due to the fast spreading coronavirus and it is safe for us too. Since it is probable that we may get bored with staying indoors, we need some good books. #SnippetsofLifeMusic is the best solution to this problem.

Let us observe Janata Curfew on Sunday and also encourage our health workers, municipal workers, policemen, military personnel and people in other essential services at 5.00 pm that day. Let us stay away from a public gathering. Nobody is safe outside their doors – your home is the only place where you can survive this lethal epidemic. Stay indoors and enjoy crispy, savoury and sweet stories in Snippets of Life Music. Friday, 20 March 2020

If you have a copy of SnippetsofLifeMusic with you, you are not alone in a room but in a crowd of about hundred people in a movie theatre.

नो टेंसन ! यदि आपके पास स्निपेट्स आफ लाइफ म्यूजिक है तो कहीं भी किसी समय कम से कम सौ लोग आपसे बातें करने के लिए उपलब्ध हैं |


Corona virus has caused a panic among humanity, but it cannot cause as much destruction, fear and uncertainty as the suspended business caused by it and the unusual rain, snow and hail can do as, considering the huge population of the country, they may bring famine that makes man behave like reptile which eats its own children. Friday, 13 March 2020

No precautionary measure against corona is as effective as to suspend unnecessary travels. Travelling to foreign countries is sure to invite corona, but travelling to places within the country is sure to spread it everywhere. Sanitizer is not available in the market. Hoarders are dregs of society, enemies of human being, so they must be severely punished.

COVID-19 has terrified humanity. Normal life is at a standstill and the world economy is faltering. Nobody knows what will happen next. There is something that has greater power; there is something that wants to bring a big change. Man, you are the puppets in the hands of nature – you cannot go against its will. Now all you have to do is help yourselves and to pray to God. Wednesday, 18 March 2020

To save the nation from coronavirus, save yourself from it.

Kanika Kapoor returned from London and behaved as though Sikandar had returned home after invading the whole world: this party, that party, this visit, that visit like her legs were tagged with cats. The people of Uttar Pradesh are panic-stricken. Anyone, however influential, who comes in from abroad must be kept in quarantine for at least two weeks. If she were a citizen of China, she should know what freedom is.

Birds and animals often face survival crisis, so do man with corona virus spreading across the world. For all their advanced technology and mighty military, they are not safe anywhere except for their homes. By this janatacurfew the government intends to warn us to be on the alert for a long-term home incarceration if COVID-19 is not curbed. Friends, observe janatacurfew to avoid longer period of confinement.

If you are not pleased with the Modi government, even though you follow janatacurfew - for you need to live to oppose the government. Sunday, March 22, 2020

Thursday 19 March 2020

Public Curfew

To save the nation from coronavirus, save yourself from it. 

Nothing can be a better strategy to wage a war against corona virus as the Public Curfew suggested by our Prime Minister in his address to the nation today at 8.00 pm.

Please abide by the Public Curfew and save yourself and also the nation the deadly COVID-19. Snippets of Life Music, a book of amazing short stories, is the best companion. It can help you spend long hours inside your homes.