Aspiration to Become a Distinguished Person

Here is an excerpt from an essay (much of a story) in ‘Snippets of Life Music’. The essay deals with the importance of social work and how aspiration to become a distinguished person inspires people to do this tedious and thankless task. You will certainly find that the book is really a very fine buy or it is what you have been looking for :
No government can eliminate poverty absolutely (for there are those that rejoice in poverty), nor can it give every needy all the help he needs. Social or charity work, as it has a very important role to play in filling up such gaps, can by no means be overlooked. The aspiration to become a distinguished person is a virtue because it inspires people to do something impossible or to do social work which they otherwise, with certain unpleasant setbacks that volunteers on different charity projects often experience, might never do.

Generally, the poor are poor because they choose to be. Most of them enjoy themselves drinking wine, smoking, talking of politics and playing cards and scarcely opt to go to work till they have spent every last rupee on them. Anybody who knows their ways does not like to help them, although their wretched wives and children are pitiable figures. Likewise, there are certain other situations where a help is inevitable - for example, to carry a road accident victim to a hospital, cremation of dumped corpses, schooling and fostering dumb and deaf, handicapped and orphans, to minister to the neglected and deprived old people etc - and certain places where supply of drinking water can be a life saving work; and health care, a compelling.....


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