A Conflict between Reason and Emotion

‘Snippets of Life Music’ is one of the best short story collections. Someone who reads a story will read all them because, on the one hand, they are exciting and stretch the imagination and, on the other, they pass on surprising facts. The following is an excerpt from a story, which consists in a dialogue between Reason and Emotion: 

“I don’t want you to help me at all, Mr Reason! Go in with a businessman; go along with the views of a politician; go help a farmer! You’d better help a lawyer in passing a monster off as a gentleman. A scientist may need you. Go to his laboratory, where you can make better use of your intelligence. Go for it, sir! You know, you can achieve fame. I’ve no use for anybody who hates such ethereal affair as love. The world needs you most. Get around! A lover needs you least!”

“Come, come, Mr Passion, a lunatic is better than a passionate fool. The wit and wisdom is man. No one will like you if I’m not…”

“Oh I don’t deny your worth. I mean if you love me, translate your wits into action – it’s no use arguing.”

“You must be mad if you think I love anybody. However, I’m bound to find all that you want and therefore never prevented you from proposing to her. If you dare not breathe a word of it to them, do you expect yourself to find a way to get around the problem?”

“Oh, don’t anticipate anything of the sort! I’d die without her. O my hands, legs, limbs, my good brain – the keepers of my life! Help me. O, do something for me! I don’t need anything – not even my food and drink – but her. She is my reason for living. For pity’s sake, find a solution to this problem!”

“Mr. Emotion, you’ve got to cry, haven’t you? Very well cry your eyes out. But take care don’t disturb me all too often.”

“No. I won’t. By the way, I just love the way she talks. Her voice is lovely. Her etiquette is anything but enticing. She has no affectation at all. She’s scrupulous in all her dealings and nobler than any girl I know...”

“Just shut up, will you?”

“But, Mr Wisdom, you don’t feel, as I do.”

“I can read into every feeling.”

“Can you respond too?”

“Certainly not – only fools can.”

“You don’t mean to say I am one?”

“Of course, and what is more, I’d prefer to call you a sentimental hog.”

“I’m a fool, a sentimental hog! Is this all that you know about me? I think I should tell you a little more of what I am. Now look, I’m both the need and the contempt; I’m the guard and I’m the killer as well; I’m the very life-force which is known as soul; I’m the poetry that rules the earth; I’m an agent of God; I’m the king of the world. It’s I who set you all every task; it’s I who consume the bounties of nature. You, Mr Science, now you know your worth! You’re my slave – go where I ask you and do what I command!”

“After all you are a ....”


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