Psychological Horror Story

Here is an #excerpt from my #storybook#Snippets of Life Music’. You will certainly find that the book is really a #finebuy or it is what you have been looking for. #TheGirl 

“What happened next?” asked Harish, looking at him anxiously.

“I walked forward,” he continued, “towards a group of people with a view to listening to them; but as I edged closer, I saw a girl in white standing by them on the grassy slope. She was stunning. My eyes riveted on her face. She gave me a quick, upward glance then lowered her eyes. Then again she shot me a sideways glance as she turned to the right. Now I slid down the slope and came face to face with her. The charm of her beauty and vivacity eventually led me to feel a surge of love and desire for her.”

“Did she look like your Annu?”

“Exactly. At first I mistook that girl for her. But shortly afterwards, her strange behaviour aroused my suspicion. Anyway, our eyes met for a split second and we both looked away. My clumsiness embarrassed me, but after a short while she beckoned to me, swooping down the slope. At first I could not gather the courage to go near her but after her repeated signals, I stepped forward to reach her and to my surprise, she eluded me. The further I moved forwards, the further she stepped backwards. But as I halted, she too did the same, giving me an enchanting smile. I thought perhaps she wanted to be alone with me, so I began to walk again, but for all my efforts I could not get closer to her this time too.”

“It’s strange how you could not chase after her!” shot back Harish in surprise.

“I couldn’t indeed,” Jay enthused. “Instead, after a few minutes’ walk, I turned to look back and found that we were a long way from the people standing near the train. I thought it was not safe for us to go any further in the secluded forest around midnight. I finally stopped but, you know, she came up to me and held me by my arms. Her soft grip felt like some angel had taken me under her care. She pointed to a large flat rock a few yards away ....”


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