10% Reservation

Now reservation will be extended to 60 percent through constitutional amendment proposal. The Modi Cabinet grants 10 percent reservation for economically deprived upper caste people. Our heartfelt thanks to you good great Modi ji. Long live our worthy Prime Minister! Long live the Modi Government!
10 percent reservation to the economically vulnerable general class is hailed by all social classes across the country as victory of the poor and deprived. It will boost the confidence and courage of those young people who had lost all hopes and also open the door of opportunities for the poorer people from already reserved categories. Now the Prime Minister has proved that his government is concerned about "Inclusive growth by collective efforts".

Reservation was meant to equalize social status and not economic status. Now the general view about it has changed to focus on one’s economic condition only because the rate of unemployment has become the most potent of political issues. However, the reservation policy could not produce the results as was expected, but rather it has always added fuel to the hate literature and politics. SP, BSP and many other regional parties are the sons and daughters of this reservation policy. Jobs are decreasing with the rapid digital and technological change and in contrast with it the country has extremely high growth of population. Days are not far ahead when the society will neuter the reservation itself because 5 people will not enjoy lucrative jobs when 95 are struggling to make ends meet.

Lok Sabha passed the historic Bill that provides 10% quota to the poorer section of unreserved people by majority votes. It will be taken up by Rajya Sabha tomorrow. PM Modi's a stroke of genius today. There are loud cheers from across the country.

Rajya Sabha too passed the landmark Bill that permits the economically weaker general class 10% reservation in government jobs and education. The previously unreserved people are grateful to the Modi Government and also to the honourable members of the upper house who voted in favour of it. Now the People from all parts of India greets the venevolent Prime Minister with great delight. He earns considerable kudos for the way he made the impossible possible. A hero’s welcome to PM Shri Narendra Modi!
आम तौर पर पार्टियां सवर्ण आरक्षण या राम मंदिर निर्माण का विरोध करने से बचती हैं फिर भी यदि आपको पता करना हो कि इसके वास्तविक विरोधी कौन है तो उसकी भाषा पर ध्यान देकर देखिये कि एक दो सकारात्मक वाक्य के बाद "किन्तु, परन्तु" कौन लगाता है । मोदी जी के इस फैसले से आरक्षण मुद्दे पर लोगों को बांटकर राजनीति करने वालों के गुर्दे हिल गए हैं, भाई साहब ! अब किसके खिलाफ घृणा भड़काएंगे ? इस १० प्रतिशत में सारे धर्म के सवर्ण शामिल हैं जो इस बात को सिद्ध करता है कि दलित व् पिछड़े केवल कुछ जाति विशेष में नहीं हैं बल्कि सारे समाज में हैं । अभी यदि मोदी जी एक काम और कर दें तो घृणा पार्टियों की दुकाने बिलकुल बन्द हो जाएँगी और सत्ता में वही होगा जो सबका साथ व् सबका विकास करेगा । वह यह है कि बार बार आरक्षण का लाभ उठाने वाले लगभग ४ प्रतिशत लोग इतने धनी हो गए हैं और एस/एसटी एक्ट से इतने सुरक्षित हो गए हैं कि अब वे बाकि लोगों से ठीक वही व्योहार करते हैं जो पहले कभी जमींदार सवर्ण दलितों से किया करते थे । इसलिए जिसे एक बार आरक्षण लाभ मिल जाय उसे दुबारा नहीं मिलाना चाहिए ।


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