A Few Distrustful People

There are a very few distrustful people who say that PM Modi squandered money on Statue of Unity. There are certain others who associate it with the park built by former Chief Minister Mayawati. I want to tell them that Unity Sculpture is worth putting by the side of countries historical monuments that attract tourism and are source of foreign exchange. Besides, the Prime Minister built it with the clear intention of spreading the message of national unity and its sovereignty and not of appealing to the emotion of a particular community. He built it not by cutting back on any development and welfare projects; and what is more, the money spent on it cannot be called expenditure but an investment. Finally, nobody could help himself to any commission.

The political correctness of Jawahar and Mahatma has ever since bringing the country hardship, trouble and bad luck. Right-on Congress led by them made the very foundation of the independent nation shaky. If it were not for politically incorrect Sardar Patel, there would be no India, no Sonia, no Rahul, nor even Congress. Will the people of Kashmir accept Rahul as their leader? It is the foolishly liberal majority that lets him do politics here.


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