Shiksha men Bhartiyata

I attended a seminar at Saraswati Vidya Mandir, Bahraich (Friday, 31 August 2018) aimed to provide an overview on The Imposition of Indianism in the Schools. The following are my views that I put to the forum for debate:

It is family and school atmosphere that makes a man different from one born and raised in some different culture. A Hindu and a Muslim have different way of life. Every country consists of land, ocean, hills and the people but each one is distinct from the other because they have their own particular and peculiar culture and language, so culture and language of a country is its identity. Schools that corrupt our culture often give rise to the conversion to a new religion or beliefs which later proves to be dangerous as it changes one’s fidelity at the same time. There are a few ignorant people (yes, I’ll call them ignorant lout) who scoff at RSS by making remarks that it is against secularism, tolerance or unity in diversity. To be true, it means no disrespect for any sort of beliefs and faith, but rather it discriminates against those who lose their loyalty to the nation with the change of their faith or betray the country or believe in separatism.

Parents love their children but they never stay to think that they are also responsible for their development. They put their children through some English School and forget what more duties they have to them. I have seen how badly the young people behave today: their sense of social propriety is eroded; they never show respect for their elders; often they are mean and rowdy. It is our duty to tell them our popular myths, how our fathers forefathers lived their life and to pass on our custom and culture to them. Ram, Krishna, Shravan Kumar, Shivaji, Maharana Pratap are our Indianism. Hi, Hello is not our culture, nor is our tradition a fashion. It is for the parents and teachers to teach the rules and customs that control accepted behaviour.

Intensive early care and education programs for children have lasting positive effects such as school success, higher graduation rates, lower juvenile crime, decreased need for special education services, and lower adolescent pregnancy rates. On the contrary, if the children are not cared properly, it can have harmful effects on language, social development, and school performance. It has been observed that toddlers who receive proper child care develop better math skills prior to school entry and have fewer behaviour problems (fighting, arguing, being mean to others) than those who are deprived of it. A good child care and education programme provide a safe nurturing environment that promotes the physical, social, emotional and cognitive development of young children while responding to the needs of families.

The education system void of Indianism weakens our sense of nationality and in absence of patriotism the people are prone to be corrupt and to be divided easily. However, values and ethics should not stick to our minds quite too hard because diplomacy is equally an important thing. Mohd Gori finally succeeded in invading our country – why? Because we were governed by a strict code of ethics. Arjun defeated the large army of Duryodhan – how? Krishna violated war ethics many times. In diplomacy, there is little place for ethics and moral values, but on condition that it pursue our national interest.


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