Country Loyalists

Giving an address to the school children, I said: "The country declared Independence in 1947 but those who took control of the country were not true freedom fighters but rather the Indian representatives of British Empire. Country loyalists were either put to death or silenced. Thereafter divide and rule continued as the main stream of politics. Slowly the people divided by caste or social status developed a strong sense of loyalty to their community rather than to the nation; they learnt to shout for their rights, shares and privilege and forgot all about their duties to the nation. Thus the sense of nationality dampened. Corruption spreads its roots and system fails when the people stop loving their country and do not feel proud of it. This is something that India is undergoing since Independence and we are an undeveloped country. Now there are certain political parties that have adopted an aggressive propaganda campaign against the sovereignty of the country – why? It is because they have long been promoted by the permanent ruling party. Now PM Modi is trying to improve the situation, so it is our duty to support him every way."


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