Birth and Early Education

The birth rate i.e. the total number of live births per 1,000 of a population in a year, along with mortality and migration rate are used to calculate population growth and another important term is ‘demographic transition’ that explains the relationship between population and economic development. Now it has been found that the western countries have moved from a condition of high birth and death rates, to a condition of low birth and death rates which led to a slow rate of growth of population. This has been the experience of countries going through a process of modernizing economic and social development. 

As far as India is concerned, its people have been reproducing themselves at such a rate that their numbers threaten the ecology. According to the Indian census, carried out in 2011, the population of India was exactly 1.21 billion. This is the second most populous country of the world after China. Early marriages, poverty, illiteracy are certain major factors that lead to the population explosion. Besides, India’s climate plays a great role in rising fertility rates. The burden of school age population in India has already become unbearable. The proportion of children in schools is increasing fast and, vast numbers are still not covered with education facility. The unschooled future India is ready to swell the population wider and to close all the opportunities of development.

Intensive early care and education programs for children have lasting positive effects such as school success, higher graduation rates, lower juvenile crime, decreased need for special education services later, and lower adolescent pregnancy rates. On the contrary, if the children are not cared properly, it can have harmful effects on language, social development, and school performance. It has been observed that toddlers who receive proper child care develop better math skills prior to school entry and have fewer behaviour problems (fighting, arguing, being mean to others) than those who are deprived of it. A good child care and education programme provide a safe nurturing environment that promotes the physical, social, emotional and cognitive development of young children while responding to the needs of families. 

The first four years of life are a period of rapid development of brain structures and function or the development in infancy and early childhood is the most advanced period of child’s development. This is why effective early childhood programs clearly make a difference. Some of these elements can include who a child was raised with, environment, parenting styles, education programs, and even society such as schools or homes. The goal of early childhood education is to facilitate the development of a child's overall abilities and understandings to prepare the child for future endeavors. It is proven that children who begin their education habits early, have an advantage over their peers academic through their education years. 

Thus proper child care and their systematic education is a process of refining the humanity or a process of removing impurities so the nation can be supplied with better citizens for an advanced future society which constructs the shining walls of a glorious part of the world with easy life style and peaceful atmosphere. Terrorism, Maoism, violence, rapes and even the blind growth of population are the side-effects of uneducated society. A country with illiterate citizens is not the country of human beings but a wildlife sanctuary. Considering the importance of early childhood education, profound changes need to be made in the way education is organized, sequenced, and funded and additional efforts are needed to integrate programs. But before that what we must achieve is negative population growth and demographic change.

Unfortunately every party that comes to power boasts to uplift the downtrodden peasants by extending and implementing reservation plans. 70 years have passed since Independence but the condition of the poor and backward is still the same or rather worse. They still dance on the roads completely drunk with their clothes torn. They do not know what decency is, or if there is any role of moral standards and religious convictions in life. Nothing can change them until they are provided with proper course of schooling. 

In fact, governments do nothing but invent different ways of remaining popular with the people who are quite unknown of what is right and wrong. The largest part of Indian nationalists is not aware of the importance of education, nor do they even have a sense to feel the unpleasant effects of population growth. The governments consequently always try to win their support by appealing to their emotion rather than doing something reasonable, for they mainly aim to enjoy power and not to reform the system. The educated people who understand the need of family planning and better education system can do nothing except watching the government do something to improve the situation and the government thinks it is the problem of the people so it is for them to find some solution. The minority has fixed its eyes on the top chairs so it is happy with the increase in their population. The illiterate backward and the reserved classes are tension-free, thinking that government needs votes and so they will after all give them something to eat and drink. Anyway, it is a living hell for those who want to lead a peaceful and civilized life in India.


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