Happy New Year,

I wish your hearts, my friends, go erupting like a volcano this New Year, with magma of desire blasting out through the clogged vent of days gone by and with red-hot lumps of love, scorching fame, molten achievements and clouds of joy and mirth being spewed out.

On the carousel of time the day of birth repeats,

A Sunday jaunt takes me where we did once meet,

A photograph in a pile holds my hand to halt,

Over the wall of my memory a face oft does vault,

An old song on the radio robs me so well of my soul

That I feel nothing but a throb across the inner whole.

I find a sweet smell around everywhere I thus go past.

Pieces of love I still have, though my love I have lost.

O god! Raise the same love for my country in me,

So this New Year with each bit of it I could delighted be.

Years divide the period of our life and thus give us fresh chance to start with a better plan, skill, experience, enthusiasm and mind-set. Let us determine to reform and be practical rather than sentimental in all our approach.

This New Year, may my country

Grow like the rich field of wheat,

Brighten in awareness like the day light,

Walk on through the valleys of time like an April river,

Lead the world to the lofty plateau of bliss like a saint,

And be safe on the palm of almighty Father!

May all of us delight in one another’s happiness!

Happy New Year, my dear, dear friends!
Ramesh Tiwari


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