BJP’s Election Campaign – National Economy

BJP earns and makes the treasury rich then Congress follows it to enjoy what was collected. It is for the people to think that it should keep the reckless and spendthrift Congress away from power and avoid being enticed by the freebie-bait. There is much more to be said. Congress has been playing game against the bread and butter of the people and BJP has been baking bread for the people and giving healthy atmosphere of democracy. People are sensitive enough they understand what might benefit them and what is badly needed today.

Now people prefer their livelihood to their caste and religion. They are looking towards Prime Minister Sri Narendra Modi, who is expected to be one saviour. Those who ignore the economy of the country will not rule India, for she demands development, employment and corruption-free governance.

Now BJP led states are going well: much better as compared with the states ruled by other parties. This fact is obvious & visible. It is BJP that can do to restore the honour of India. It is Prime Minister Sri Narendra Modi, who can make the economy strong and only a booming economy of the country can chase away the wolves of our neighbouring countries.

Pointing towards the UPA Government, our eminent scientist CNR Rao once said, “Why the hell these idiots, these politicians have given so little for us, despite that we scientists have done something." It is obvious that the Congress government had had little to do with the national development. They never aimed to serve the country; instead, they aimed to serve themselves with money and power. “If the government has given sufficient money to the scientific sector, we have done much more,” said our Bharat Ratna candidly with resentment. “Our investment has been marginal, and on the top of that, it comes late.” Now if the UPA government was anxious to work for the national interests, the growth rate would not have been below 5 percent, the country would not be in the grip of the worst recession, our industries would not have suffered bankruptcy, thousands of small businesses would not have gone broke, small shops would not have been a casualty of the declining economy, millions of the people would not have been out of work, our space research would have been more advanced than that of China as it was during the NDA regime in 2003-04. Now after the Modi government came to power our scientists are bringing us newer achievements because they are being provided with sufficient funds.

In modern time everything depends on money – whether it is national security, scientific development, internal law and order, public offices, disaster management, expansion of infrastructure, or public services like education, health, welfare schemes etc. Countrymen remember the Atal Bihari Government afforded the Kargil War, the Pokharan Nuclear Test, the National Highway Development Project, the Rural Development Plans and so. Remember his Samjhhauta Express, his aid to Haj Pilgrims, the promotion of trade and better relationships between the states. "We must grow faster. We simply have no other alternative," was Vajpayee's slogan. The World had started to fear India's dominance under his leadership. In respect of economic and scientific development China was then behind us. In ten years of UPA regime it became a threat to other countries in Asia. You must have known that our army had sent a proposal to deploy 50000 troops along the China border in 2010 and it was going to cost the country over Rs 65000 crore. The UPA government dill-dallied the proposal, and as a result, China trespassed on our land and we stood watching that. The situation has improved again since Sri Modi became the prime minister. Now if the Public Money is the nerve and blood of the country; now if the Public Money and only Public Money can keep us safe in our houses; now if the Public Money is our job and food – how can we tolerate those who loot it?

A country runs very like a family. The richer is the family, the wider is its business area and the wider the business, the greater the chances for employment. In short, a rich family employs people and a poor family tracks down a job. India is rich with resources and as well as that its earning capacity is enormous. It is poor because the Congress wanted to keep it poor. They soon looted it as it tended to grow. They never let sources of income fall in the market. It was only Atal Bihari, who did not bear any leakage, and as a result, India then witnessed the highest growth rate. People felt good. The rate of unemployment fell down considerably. Then what happened next is known to all. The congress launched NAREGA, loan waiver and many welfare schemes of that kind without planning for the source of income to fund them and ultimately the economy of the country damaged, but then such schemes did not harm the country so much as their corruption sent the nation into deep recession. Slowly the rate of unemployment grew year by year and finally stood at a horrible stage. So countrymen, think twice before you go to vote. If you want to make your country rich and to protect national sovereignty, you have only one option and that is BJP.

Generally, the Congress government had ever since preferred imports and never became serious about the modernization and development of our domestic industries. Was it not the reason that they had greed for back door commission? The biggest portion of our high priced weapons came from other countries. Were we not able to manufacture them here in the country? We had scientists, we had concepts and the burning will to compete with the world – then, what made us purchase things from a foreign market? Perhaps it was the deep rooted corruption. Just compare all those things with that of what the Modi government have been doing. See how Sri Modi has been working to make the system corruption-free, promoting our exports, minimizing imports with an innovative vision for both domestic and foreign trades and developing technology so that our products could compete with those available in the global market and be suited to the changing demands of the international customers.

The NDA’s budget supports massive manufacturing and structural development and this is why it is capable of giving a jump-start to the economy, creating new opportunities of jobs and bringing both the rates of inflation and interest down. To invite increased flow of FDI in both service and manufacturing sectors will not only reduce imports but also help widen our business with larger amount of capital. 26 percent FDI is too less to attract foreign investors but 49 percent of that can have a tempting impact on them and, as a result, we are a better side to negotiate with them to bring their latest technology which we currently lack. 49 : 51 partnerships with high technology is giving a fresh blood to our failing industries and, thus it is making us self-reliant, cutting the bulk of imports. It is saving us from paying high prices for an item that we purchase from some developed country and may also take us to that stage where we can export our products to certain other countries and earn more money than the amount that the foreign investors are likely to earn as their profit. Given that we have been one of the largest weapon importers and have still got to face tough challenge of kitting out the country with the updated version of arsenals in earliest possible time, 100 percent FDI in defence sector is a welcoming step. It will not only do to jump-start our manufacturing but also help revive our economy and reduce unemployment.

A burst of inflation is a critical disease of the economy of a country for there is no alternate route to the growth. Banks may have a lot of lendable money but it is of no worth unless there are borrowers. No borrower would like to take out a loan at high interest and no bank would grant a loan at the interest rate that spares no profit for it. Now if the rate of inflation is already around 9 percent, a bank will not be in a position to distribute loans at lower than12 percent. In this situation, a new manufacturer who wants to run an industry on loan has no chance to lower the prices of his products and, thus, it is not only that the supply side weakens but also that the market is left with little competition. Yes, this situation can be brought under control but the government treasury should be rich enough to pay the extra rate of the interest on behalf of the borrowers. Everyone knows that the populism of UPA and its corruption have made the economic condition of the country so bad that it cannot afford any subsidy, so the only way left for the new government is FDI. You, however, need not be disheartened – your PM as well as FM is doing well by attracting FDI.

‘Make in India’ is an open message that the government of India is serious about the development of the country, rather than about devising plans to take advantage of peoples’ liking for free gifts and about fixing eyes on commissions through imports. Our dominant neighbour is alarmed by the effective working of the Modi Government. They are bewildered and trying to put a curb on our progress. Let’s unite, ignoring our petty differences, help the government root out corruption at every level and be diligent about our work and duties with the thought that the country is ours and we have to make it powerful.

The congress is a treadmill which makes you feel tired with no positive result whereas BIP is a trust worthy rope ladder that helps you climb to the top


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