The Side-Effects of Democracy

Generally, all the people are not of one nature: some of them are gentle and do not interfere in the personal lives of other people; some believe that they are more important than others and therefore behave in a proud way; there are those who take pleasure in deliberately creating problems for others; but the society also consists of persons who amuse themselves by being cruel to others. This diverse human nature often causes civil disobedience and law breaking and the parties, in order to avoid them being annoyed, do not enforce strict laws. This is one of the serious side-effects of the democratic system.

It is master who exploits his workers, not a particular sort of man. A worker, as he becomes a master, begins to exploit other workers even in more cruel and inhuman way. Reservation policy was introduced to raise a crushed community to the level where it could live with equal status. It, however, never meant that the people of the privileged community start exploiting others out of vindictiveness. Anyone can observe how revengefully they behave the people of other community. It is obvious that they are often biased towards the people of their community and against the people of other community. Their breaths always smell of a sense of hatred for the then upper class. Very few of them seem to be loyal to the organisation in which they work, or to be more precise, most are not fearful of misappropriating funds. They pursue their own interests, exploiting their privileged potion. It is also the side-effects of democracy.

One side-effect of democracy is embezzlement of public money which is the most serious crime because it weakens the whole country and stops its development. The person, no matter what status, who is guilty of it, deserves punishment. It is an irony that the party which is well-known for misappropriation accuses the other party of embezzlement in the same way as they have been and both of them bark at each other unafraid of punishment.

The present tax system is so constructed that no citizen can escape from it. You cannot take a bite of food into your mouth without paying the tax. If a beggar does not pay the tax, the person who gives him something to eat has certainly paid the tax for him. Now the government has introduced a new kind of tax which may be called ‘Unemployment Tax’ – that is to say the unemployed of the state cannot but pay this tax by way of the draft they attach while applying for a vacancy which is never filled. An elected government is a trustee of the public money so collected and not the owner, so the persons in the government should follow the set rules of spending or investing the money rather than deciding everything according to their personal choice. No government is authorized to be biased in favour of a particular group of people or to discriminate against the other. If a government does so, it squeezes the throat of democracy. I think The Supreme Court should take notice of it.

The democracy does not have democracy; it looks like democracy but the soul, the ethics of it has fled away; it is no more for the people or of the people; yes, it is by the broken people. It is an industry that produces public rights of items and puts them on the market. Mahadev of the people became pleased with Bhasmasur and empowered him to burn anybody to death by simply touching his head. Now Bhasmasur, with a view to possessing Parvati, is out to touch the head of Shiva himself. ‘O lord Vishnu! Help!’ screams Shiva turning to run. ‘Where are you? Come, come soon to my rescue!

The constitution states people’s rights and duties. As for the rights, it allows citizens to do jobs in the country and freedom to get the government jobs as well. Thus no government is entitled to infringe civil liberties or people’s rights. But what is happening today is that the governments rob us, trample our rights, and on top of that, they kill us. Government services have become precious items. Some of the governments sell them and some others distribute them among their blind voters in the hope that they will favour them during elections. Now can you think that the governments are serious about mitigating unemployment? Democracy cannot work well unless the ways of governments’ working are counter-balanced by the public reaction.

Just populate a colony by the people of all castes and community. When they start living together, they may find they are not compatible, but slowly they will start making amicable relationships and sharing their common joys and griefs. Now find a leader and make him live in that colony. You should be certain that his presence will cause a rift between the different groups and over a few months, their relationship will end acrimoniously. I want to tell the people that no religion or persons of any caste is responsible for the disagreement that separates people. It is politics that has been dividing people into different groups. Communal tension or people dividing over reservation are the side effects of democracy. Not only India, but also the entire democratic world is infected by this disease.

Some politicians hire goons to pelt them with stones with a view to arousing public sympathy. Some distance themselves from the dirty deeds against religious places carried out by their henchmen. Some pretend innocence and steal public money. Some boast of being messiah to the people and let their wolves loose on them. The democracy may produce good results only after the people have learnt to discard all sorts of double standards.

Often separatists or activists carry out attacks on various churches, temples or mosques are not the people from common society; instead, they are guerrillas hired by different political parties that want to polarize voters. But often a particular community is blamed for such attacks. Sometimes it takes the shape of a communal violence which the party considers to be its greatest achievement. If all the people are aware of this fact, the democracy will give good results.

There is a party that believes that a happy public is a harmful thing because it does not listen to them, or rather it cannot be lured by simple free-gifts as long as they are in a comfortable position. As for all local parties, they are brigands in a costume of democracy, for they provoke cheap sentiments of the innocent people and treat the country as a public park.

While it is true that India has to face serious challenges from neighbouring countries and the international politics, that in order to survive the unemployment crisis, we have to find out a wide global market in the adverse conditions, that our economy is heavily burdened with unproductive population and with worst work culture, that the long journey of inefficiency and corruption have already weakened the country, that the government has also to pay attention to the lobbies against its creative policies and that the different political groups or parties of the opposition are playing negative roles and as a result the wind of internal politics of the country is blowing the wrong direction, thereby making the people lose their faith in it, there is one ray of hope amid this gloom and that is the country believes in the ability of the Prime Minister Sri Narendra Modi.


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