The Semi-finals

Never mind, Good captain of team India, it’s not a matter of first and last. India is happy because you have been performing excellently and this time too, you’ve done your best. Oh, never mind - life is as false as the cricket game. The nest day we are neither shocked nor the state of our euphoria lasts. What remains is the remembrance of a game however exciting. The planets, the stars or the galaxies are the software to a computer called the universe that has a great space in which to write something or to delete. Different gods or the laws of nature are the operating system to run the different programmes. But the makers and users are Maa Durga and her consort Shiv. शिवा, the mother of all, हमारा पालन करें! पावन नवरात्रि की सबको शुभकामनायें !  


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