
Come on brothers, loving and jolly,
Have vile, vile life turned pure and holly,
For it is, though blissfully bright, yet brief.
 We will regret if come to grief –
Who knows when our last we breathe!
Who knows when our last we breathe!
Brothers, the world is not yours not mine;
Of all the states of God, it is divine.
Let’s love, live and enjoy the world;
Let’s fly and let others fly, free like the bird –
Nobody has again visited the earth!
Nobody has again visited the earth!
We have a chance but first and last;
Our time is short and the world is vast.
Why waste time just occupying wastes?
God’s bounty of fruits be quick to taste
Or you are sure to regret it later!
Or you are sure to regret it later!

-       -   Ramesh Tiwari


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