A Handful of my Ideas
Sometimes our ego provokes us doing something
dangerous and we decide to destroy someone who we might hate. In such a
situation when we go to make that happen, we often fail. On contrary to it when
we leave that for God to decide, we succeed in taking the revenge. Aggression
often hides consequences, which may sometimes pop up in a dangerous way; greed
blinds almost every sense of relationship; on the contrary, passion prompts to
sacrifice anything; a stern prejudice floats on the surface of a deep
ignorance. A prudent mind stands on the better side because it organizes its
strength instead. Revengeful persons therefore dig a
ditch for their foes and for themselves.
A person, having arguments with their spouse,
thinks that no one else ever has such beastly things, whereas the truth is
different. In fact, those spouses who never argue with each other do not have
the purity of their relationship. They are quite too formal. In an informal
relation there is all that Nature provides, like: resentment, annoyance,
affection, complaint and so. A timely quarrel works like a filter. Ah, it makes
the heart soon after cool, calm and clean! When heart overflows with saddest
feelings, there rise the sweetest feelings.
Hope is the colour of life; and an effort, the
act of colouring life in. When we try to make impossible possible, each bit of
result (maybe it is fake) gives the taste of the wholesome success. Anyway, it
inspires us to carry on our efforts. Every sun set publishes the results of our
performance. Passed, we enjoy evenings and a good sleep; failed, we get
agitated. Expectations often result in disappointment. A self-reliant can enjoy
both his own and his friend’s company. A man of knowledge, power
or of talent is esteemed though he never shows what he is. Those hours which we anticipate to be tough
often turn into a few more of our sweet dreams.
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