Happy Holi

Stupidity has its fair share but it should be gentle. In my childhood, children sprayed people with colour weeks in advance of Holi and nobody felt upset. We would gather logs and firewood at the bank of our village pond a few days before and Pandit ji would light Holika early hours of Holi morning. Children, women, the young and elderly all would come and stand grouped around the fire, throwing cow dung cakes and plants of wheat and barley in it. Words cannot express how happy we were to play colours through noon till a group of our Kakas and Dadas went door to door, singing Dhamal. There would gather a big crowd where ever they went and the family playing host would offer tasty Gujhia and Betel to everyone there. Sadly, deshi Tharra has spoiled all charms of Holi today! Anyway, Happy Holi, everyone!


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