Tuesday 19 February 2019

My book Snippets of Life Music Inaugurated by Gurudev

Ramesh Chandra Tiwari, an employee of Life Insurance Corporation of India, Bahraich, is a prolific Indian writer of stories. He has been working on a short story collection for the past ten years and finally succeeded to build up a wonderful book under the title ‘Snippets of Life Music’ which brings together twenty irresistible short stories and twenty five ingeniously scripted short-short stories. Recently, Highbrowscribes Publications, a leading publishing house in Delhi, has published this book which has been launched today by Gurudev Swami Paramanand ji Maharaj in a public meeting at Prayag Kumbh. The master storyteller, in clear and simple prose, takes the reader into a world that is both surreal and real. The stories in the collection cater for all groups of readers. They unlock certain secrets of human life, convey wonderful information in a simple but surprisingly entertaining way, present practical solutions to some common problems, deal with spiritual and religious issues, open a world of fantasy and horror, expose the corrupt practices that exist within the system, send sweet pain of love and romance shooting up a passionate heart, thus intriguing and enthralling readers and tickling their imagination. Moreover, they leave an indelible impression, since they kindle feelings that are sure to stay with the audience for days.

Ramesh Chandra Tiwari
Mobile phone No. 9451673412

Email - highbrowscribes@gmail.com
Contact: + 91 - 8826398333, 7982333488

Friday 15 February 2019

Pulwama Terror Attack

The cowardice and devilish terror attack in Pulwama has sent shock waves through the whole country. Our heartfelt condolences go to the families of those innocent, brave and patriotic brothers who lost their lives. We pray that God give strength to the grief-stricken countrymen to bear up. They were too young to leave us; we will miss them very much and always mourn their passing. Rest in peace, dear, dear sons of the country! O God! Drop down peace and patience and do not let fiends wipe your state so mercilessly. O God! Give our countrymen mind and power to fight such inhumanity.

पुलवामा में सीआरपीएफ के जवान नहीं शहीद हुए हैं बल्कि देश के हर एक घर का बेटा शहीद हुआ है | उन्हें केवल श्रद्धांजलि पर्याप्त नहीं है बल्कि उनकी शहादत से नसीहत की आवश्यकता है, इजरायल की भाँति राष्ट्रीयता की आवश्यकता है, एकता की आवश्यकता है और निजी स्वार्थ से उपर उठकर देश को उस उत्कर्ष पर पहुचने की आवश्यकता है जहाँ हम बिना कोई एक जवान खोए पाकिस्तान और उसके आतंकी संगठन को मिट्टी में मिला सकें | इन देश के अमर पुत्रों की शहादत पर राजनीति करने के लिए कोई स्थान नहीं होना चाहिए किंतु कांग्रेस का सुरजेवाला श्रद्धांजलि के दो शब्द कितनी जल्दी कहकर राजनीति पर लौट आवे उसका उतावलापन घृणित महसूस हुआ | ये मेरे प्यारे देश तेरे जयचंद कब समाप्त होंगे |

यदि यह माना जा सकता है कि इस दुनिया को, इसकी हर एक चीज़ को खुदा ने बनाया है तो वेवजह उसके किसी मखलूक को तबाह करने का हक किसी को नहीं होना चाहिए | कोई भी दीन खुदा से बड़ा नहीं है और जो मज़हब अपने उम्मत को किसी बेगुनाह इंसान का खून बहाने की इजाज़त देता है वह ईमान ईमान नहीं हो सकता क्योंकि अल्लाह ताला ने उसे दूसरे तमाम मख्लूकात पर इम्तियाज़ दिए हैं सिर्फ़ इस वजह से कि वह उन्हें सबसे अधिक पसंद करता है | खुदा के बन्दो राजनीति के फेर में पड़कर ईमान से भटकर काफ़िर मत बनो |

Thursday 14 February 2019

‘Snippets of Life Music’ featured in Hindustan

Ramesh Chandra Tiwari (May 1, 1964), an employee of LIC of India, is a prolific writer of short stories and a poet. His works have been published in a few leading journals such as Reading Hour, Avadh University Journal, The Criterion, Galaxy, LANLIT, The Bombay Review and Setu. On March 4, 2017, the Criterion  awarded him a Certificate of Appreciation in recognition of his fiction. He graduated in Hindi, English and Economics from Avadh University, Faizabad in 1984 but completed a master’s degree in English Literature after twenty years from the same university in 2004. Kisan Post Graduate College, Bahraich honoured him with a certificate of proficiency in English on 28 August 2017 and he is now recognized as an accomplished storyteller. Contact Details: rameshctiwari600@gmail.com 

Sunday 3 February 2019

Short Story Collection

My book offers my benign readers the opportunity of understanding just in few hours all that I have learnt in many years and that involves a lot of hard work. I have served facts and events up on this book as they naturally are rather than decorating them with swelling and glorious words or with some external attraction. Moreover, I admire the enthusiasm and skill of Highbrowscribes Publications, New Delhi, who have designed my collected short stories in such a way as to make it possible for my valued audience to get the best book at the lowest possible price. This book can be obtained from amazon. Also to get the book, email - highbrowscribes@gmail.com or contact by phone on the numbers: + 91 - 8826398333, 7982333488 or visit the Website: www.highbrowscribes.com

Saturday 2 February 2019

कहानी संग्रह

इस खूबसूरत पुस्तक को मैने 2007 में लिखना प्रारम्भ किया था काफ़ी प्रयास किया किंतु कुछ संतोष जनक नहीं कर सका | 8 जनवरी 2009 की प्रातः मैने परम पूज्य गुरुदेव स्वामी परमानंद जी महाराज से इसके लिए उनके आशीर्वाद की याचना की | उन्होने मेरी लेखनपुस्तिका पर एक वाक्य लिखा जो मेरी सफलता के लिए ईश्वर से उनकी कामना थी | उसके पश्चात मुझे नहीं पता क्या हुआ कि मैं एक के बाद एक अदभुद कहानियों को लिखने लगा | पूज्य गुरुदेव की असीम कृपा से मैने दस वर्षों में २० कहानियाँ लिखीं जिन्होने आज इस पुस्तक का निर्माण किया है | मैंने उनकी इस अनूठी भेंट को उनके चरण कमलों को समर्पित कर दिया है | पुनः यह उन्हीं की कृपा है कि मुझे Highbrowscribes Publications से संपर्क हुआ जिनकी अनुभवी टीम ने इसे सजाकर सुंदर स्वरूप प्रदान किया | जब भी मैं इसे दोबारा पढ़ता हूँ मैं स्वयं चकित हो जाता हूँ कि इसे मैने कैसे लिखा था | यह भाषा, मनोरंजन और उपयोगी जानकारी से संतुलित रूप में वैभवशाली पुस्तक है | यह flipkart और amazon दोनों पर उपलब्ध है | इसे अवश्य पढ़िए और मुझे आगे की कृतियों के लिए उत्साहित करने की कृपा कीजिए |

Interim Budget 2019-20

Rahul Gandhi, Mamata Bonerjee and almost the whole opposition is shocked at how the Interim Budget 2019-20 has been welcomed by all social classes. Now they fail to find suitable words to criticize it. This budget gives people a warm nurturing care so it should be named as Foster Budget. It will support and encourage the common people on the one hand, but on the other, it is going to create an atmosphere of finance in which people will grow in newer opportunities of jobs and business as the market is going to have a high inflow of money. PM Modi’s is the real socialism and Gathbandhan’s model of socialism is the socialism that lives on luxurious tongues and between rosy lips, for these thugbandhan parties have always sold socialism at the highest price. To be true, the UPA can never afford such a huge amount of money which is being dispensed to the marginal individuals.