Monday 30 December 2019

The Foreword to Snippets of Life Music

Literature is the picture of society that is not how it looks but the inside of it. Focusing on the weak spots in society and the system, it has the power to change them. It is poetry that has brought about revolutions, reformation and awareness. When John Ball shouted ‘Adam delved and Eve span, who was then the gentleman?’, the Peasants’ Revolt triggered and rebels advanced on London; Milton’s voice established the Commonwealth of England; Pindar filled Greece with passion; Bhushan and Chand Bardai made Indian swords thirsty of blood; Dickens turned public attention towards orphans through his novels. Tolstoy’s stories have the power to change one’s view of life; Aesop’s fables can make its reader a perfect man. Holy prophets were wonderful storytellers. Their stories reformed society and made men out of animals.

Art and music appeal even to infants. A child listens to your stories, mulling over events. Slowly they start to imitate their hero. A good story helps children build up their confidence, gain good habits and develop an inquiring attitude to learning. Mothers used to tell stories or sing soothing lullabies to their young children to help them go to sleep. These children, inspired by the stories, grew up to be respectable, courteous and disciplined. Now with people having a casual attitude towards literary books and sociological studies, the society has been led astray and uncontrollable children grow into young criminals.

Snippets of Life Music, has twenty one short stories: each of them informs, resonates with emotions and represents different universal themes and each, a few pages long, has contents of a wholesome novel. By reading this single book, you are going to get what twenty one novels can offer. It never fails to entertain its reader for hours with stories full of thrill, fear, excitement, with love stories and with heart-warming and spiritual tales.

The book is an album of a variety of stories that cover both sad and cheerful aspects of life. They are the pictures of varying human minds; they put true examples of how a particular type of person responds in a particular situation, warn the readers of the consequences of various character flaws and show them the successful ways of life. They put both moral and immoral ways of life with their effects on the society side by side and leave for the readers to see which to choose. They are also a magical mix of fantasy and reality. You will find the aspects of rural and city life and also have pastoral scenes tranquilizing your tired and stressed self.

‘Snippets of Life Music’ caters for all levels and everyone is sure to find their favourite one. It consists of a story that answers to the question how a common man is no different from an aristocrat. One of the stories in the book makes you realize what God is; the other one will convince you that even an offender is an essential component of society. One of them tells you how procrastination costs one too dear. Another one of them describes poverty is a common issue and how it tags along with people. A family in a story is condemned to a life of hardship because they love to show off their possessions. The book has a one-act-play (Clean India) which gives a vivid picture of how the common people are given to unhygienic practices and also shows them up. You will also see how a manager deals with a difficult customer and also how an irritable manager makes the mess of his office.

The stories will haunt you for weeks, stay with you for months and kindle your emotions with genius in amazing flights of imagination and with prose precise and punchy. You will read it during the day and have strange yet pleasant dreams at night. However, the stories do not contain traditional themes in which people’s emotions are unnaturally exaggerated – they will compel you to think over the images they have engraved upon your heart and each of the stories has profundities and analytical precision with exact characterization and accurate psychological and sociological analysis.

If you cast a cursory glance at the stories in Snippets of life Music, you are going to find them quite simple. But if you read them carefully, you will be amazed to get something exciting and interesting. The deeper you go, the more you will enjoy the different shades of meaning, connotations and subtexts. They are serious and of lasting value: likely to be numbered among the masterpieces of classical literature.

The book is also rich with grammatical structures, useful for language learners, and therefore helpful in developing communication skills. It has many distinguishing features, but what make it exceptionally rare are diverse topics that it covers. If a story unfolds against a background of legal system, there is some other based on political activities, so you will find some fine examples of many different technical terms like: scientific, business, social, medical, political, spiritual, legal, administrative and so on.

A good book is a door to a better life. Go in through it and you will see a different world where the sky is clear, the deep green trees wave gently in the breeze, snow-clad summits grace the landscapes, the sea ripple and sparkle, where parks are always full of young lovers, where supermen fight off bad guys and resolve crisis, where roads to success are not much stony, where doubt and uncertainty has no place to lurk around, where no corner is dark.‘Snippets of Life Music’ is a guardian angel. It helps its readers deal with the real world, offers a wealth of delights and inspiration for gift ideas and opens the secrets of a symbiotic relationship.

On the pitch of a mind god and satan struggle.

To rule our lives try their best the forces of evil.

Keep bad company and let the devil in you win;

Or in good company keep yourself free from sin.

Very good company is Snippets of Life Music –

Have this book with you and enjoy fiction classic.

Monday 23 December 2019

Featured in Newspapers

अंग्रेजी साहित्य के लिए श्री रमेश चन्द्र तिवारी की ‘स्निपेट्स ऑफ लाइफ मयूजिक’ इस वर्ष चुनी गयी है । ‘मानव दिवस’ के इस अवसर पर ‘विश्व मानव संघ’ उन्हें इंटरनेसनल जुनूँ अवार्ड से सम्मानित करेगा ।

Snippets of Life Music, a collection of amazing short stories by the master storyteller wins a prestigious prize.

Wednesday 18 December 2019


The invitation card from World Human Organization which has nominated my book ‘Snippets of Life Music’ for INTL. JUNOO AWARD – 2019. The picture of my book appears on the back page of the card, too. INTL. JUNOO is a prize that is awarded on January 1 each year to people who have done important work in literature, arts, social work, travelling and health care.

World Human Organization as ever is going to celebrate 22nd Human Day-2020 on January 1, 2020 at Press Club Lucknow. On this day it will pay tribute to its founder, Dr Rashmi Bhoshan Junoo (an internationally known social worker, illustrious author and celebrated artist) his successor, late mother Premlata, an eminent poetess, and famous playwright, William Shakespeare. It will also present International Junoo Award-2019 to leading writers, poets, social workers, health care workers, philosophers, painters and to those who have distinguished themselves by their heroic acts of bravery.

Snippets of Life Music, a collection of short stories by Ramesh Chandra Tiwari has been nominated for this prestigious award. The author (May 1, 1964) is an employee of LIC of India at Bahraich and is recognized as an accomplished storyteller and a poet. His works have been published in a few leading journals such as Reading Hour, Avadh University Journal, The Criterion, Galaxy, LANLIT, The Bombay Review and Setu, a bilingual journal from Pittsburgh USA. His articles on different subjects are often broadcast on All India Radio Lucknow. On March 4, 2017, the Criterion awarded him a Certificate of Appreciation in recognition of his fiction.

‘Snippets of Life Music’ brings together twenty one short stories: each of them informs, resonates with emotions and represents different universal themes. It is an album of a variety of stories that cover both sad and cheerful aspects of life. They are the pictures of varying human minds; they put true examples of how a particular type of person will respond in a particular situation, warn the readers of the consequences of various character flaws and show them the successful ways of life. They put both moral and immoral ways of life with their effects on the society side by side and leave for the readers to see which to choose. They are also a magical mix of fantasy and reality.

The book never fails to entertain its reader for hours with stories full of thrill, fear, excitement and also with heart-warming and spiritual tales. They portray life in a better light, convey exotic ideas in a simple but surprisingly entertaining way, present practical solutions to some common problems, deal with spiritual and religious issues, open a world of fantasy and horror, expose the corrupt practices that exist within the system, send sweet pain of love and romance shooting up a passionate heart, thus intriguing and enthralling readers and tickling their imagination.

22वां इंटेर्नसनल जुनूँ अवार्ड - २०१९ एवं मानव दिवस - 2020 मनाया जायेगा ।

विश्व मानव संघ द्वारा 01 जनवरी 2020 दिन बुधवार को 'मानव दिवस-2020' मनाया जाएगा । नववर्ष के दिन प्रतिवर्ष यह प्रतिष्ठित संस्था कलाकारों, साहित्यकारों, दार्शनिकों, पर्यटकों, चिकित्सकों, समाजसेवियों एवं साहसी कार्य करने वालों को इंटरनेसनल जुनूँ अवार्ड से सम्मानित करता है । ‘इंटरनेसनल जुनूँ अवार्ड’ एवं ‘मानव दिवस’ की शुरुवात विश्व मानव संघ के संस्थापक, अंतर्राष्ट्रीय समाजसेवी, लेखक व् चित्रकार डा. रश्मि भूषण जुनूँ ने की थी ।उक्त दिवस में स्वर्गीय डा. रश्मि भूषण, स्व. माँ प्रेमलता श्रीवास्तव (द्वितीय अध्यक्ष विश्व मानव संघ) तथा विश्व प्रसिद्द कवि व् नाटककार विलियम शेक्सपीअर को श्रद्धांजलि दी जाएगी । मानव दिवस प्राणी एवं पर्यावरण मात्र की सुरक्षा के लिए मनाया जाता है । अंग्रेजी साहित्य के लिए श्री रमेश चन्द्र तिवारी की ‘स्निपेट्स ऑफ लाइफ मयूजिक’ इस वर्ष चुनी गयी है । ‘मानव दिवस’ के इस अवसर पर ‘विश्व मानव संघ’ उन्हें इंटरनेसनल जुनूँ अवार्ड-2019 से 01 जनवरी 2020 को उत्तर प्रदेश की राजधानी लखनऊ स्थित उत्तर प्रदेश प्रेस क्लब के परिसर में आयोजित कार्यक्रम में सम्मानित करेगा ।

ग्राम उमरी दहेलो, तेजावपुर, जनपद बहराइच के निवासी रमेश चन्द्र तिवारी अँग्रेज़ी भाषा के एक प्रसिद्ध कहानीकार हैं । पिछले दस वर्षों के अथक प्रयास के पश्चात उन्होने कहानियों का एक संग्रह ‘स्निपेट्स ऑफ लाइफ मयूजिक’ शीर्षक से संकलित किया है जिसमें 21 मनोरंजक व बहुमूल्य अनुभव युक्त लघु कथाएँ हैं । कथा लेखक के अनुसार पुस्तक पाठक को चन्द घंटों में वह सब प्राप्त करने का अवसर प्रदान करती है जिसे उन्होने कई वर्षों में कठिन परिश्रम करके सीखा है तथा इसकी खास बात यह है कि इसमें सभी वर्ग के पाठकों के लिए उपयोगी व मनोरंजक सामग्री है । कहानियाँ मानव जीवन के रहस्यमयी पन्ने खोलती हैं, रोचक ढंग से सत्य प्रस्तुत करती हैं, अध्यात्मिक विषय पर आधुनिक सोच का विश्लेषण करती हैं, जीवन की कुछ आम समस्याओं का व्योहारिक निराकरण सुझाती हैं, एक आश्चर्यमयी डरावनी दुनिया की सैर कराती हैं, शासन तंत्र में व्याप्त भ्रष्टाचार और अनैतिकता को उजागर करती हैं तथा निश्च्छल निर्मल प्रेम के मनोरम भाव से मस्ती करती हुई हृदय की गहराइयों में उतर जाती हैं । एक पृष्ठ पढ़ने के पश्चात पाठक बिना पूरी कहानी पढ़े नहीं रह सकता । इस संकलन में कुछ कहानियाँ ऐसी हैं जो गहरी सरिता की तरह हैं जिसमें जितना कोई डूबेगा प्रत्येक बार एक नयी जल सतह की शीतलता का अनुभव करेगा ।

Saturday 14 December 2019

Kisan Post Graduate College

Today I visited Kisan Post Graduate College and presented Dr S.P. Singh, the Honourable Secretary of the college, with my book Snippets of Life Music. He became very happy to know that an alumnus of the college has written a very good book. He soon granted the purchase of 10 copies for the college library. I express my deep debt of gratitude to him. 
I also presented Dr S. C. Tripathi, the Principal, with a copy as a token of my warmest thanks for his generosity.

Friday 13 December 2019

New Edition

Open Snippets of Life Music, select anyone of the short stories in it and then read it carefully; I give you a guarantee that it will entertain and inform you to the extent where you will feel you have read something which you wanted to. Get your copy today – it is available at a greatly reduced price now. The book is reprinted and the publisher, Highbrow Scribes Publications, has brought down the price from Rs 275 to Rs 215. In addition, you will have one more story in this edition as the book has 21 stories now instead of 20.

Thursday 5 December 2019

Divine Grace Public School

Today I went to Guru Kripa Divine Grace Public School to see Chhabi Madam, the manager, the founder of the leading institute at Bahraich. I had a long talk with her about my book Snippets of Life Music and was overwhelmed by her kindness and hospitality. It was just an opportunity to see a person with such a wide range of spiritual as well as academic knowledge. I presented her with my book in token of my thanks.