Saturday 21 May 2016

Miserable Man

A miserable man sitting in front of his house,

Watching the mad movement of men in the street –

Men having a lot on their minds,

Little men terrifying man with monstrous machines,

Tiny men controlling gigantic tucks, ships, planes –

Oh, a simple mistake or a tinge of rage

And men are ants under a tyre.

- Ramesh Tiwari

Tuesday 10 May 2016

A Small Group of Clever People Rule

Often we watch a documentary on wildlife on the TV in which a few lionesses are shown hunting a buffalo for food. We feel pity for the prey and fault the huge herd of fellow buffalos that simply stand and watch the lionesses tear out one of their family members. We think why do not they attack the lionesses and save their brother. At last, when they start eating the dead beast we exclaim, “You stupid buffalos!" This is what happens to the common people of the country who though in great number, become easy prey to politicians and goons. They are killed, exploited and treated as pet animals while the whole crowd stand and watch, powerless to help each other, as though the entire group has no logic of its own. It means a small group of clever people rule and a huge herd is ruled. A small troop of Mughals took possession of the large country like India and then a few of the British grabbed hold of their thrones. A few Jews are mightier than their neighbouring countries. Let them expand their communities – we, the upper castes, need not be mixed up with the herd for being stronger. What though we are so few in number, we have ever ruled the country and we will rule it again. Only we need to hunt the herds cleverly.

Saturday 7 May 2016


You need to be enthusiastic but over-enthusiasm is harmful in every way. One who is deeply involved in one’s job considers oneself better than others and consequently expects greater award. But when by chance they are denied, they become a rebel and it is all up with them. A zealous subordinate is all right but if the head of the office is always too keen on better results and too devoted to the cause of the organisation, he lacks judgement and often, for all his efforts, fails to bring satisfactory results, for he expects all of his juniors to perform like him but when a few of them do not, he gets frustrated and starts working for them himself and thus he is off course, losing his own job of building teams and leading them.     

Tuesday 3 May 2016

God is Even-Handed

‘God is Even-Handed’, one of my short stories, has been published. You will be amazed at how you feel the facts which the story bears but never take them seriously. Click on to:
A beggar is as content or unhappy with life as a king; a natural pessimist, however, is an exception because he hates the bother of welcoming an opportunity.

The Human Population

The Criterion published ‘The Human Population’, a small but thought provoking poem by me. I am sure you will enjoy reading it. Just click on to: